
Chiropractic Myths Busted!

By Dr. Sarah Davis owner of LifeLogic Health Center March 21, 2012

When someone hears about a chiropractor, they usually think of headaches or backaches. Some people don’t want to start seeing a chiropractor for fear that they’ll have to continue going for the rest of their life. Sit back, relax, and prepare to have your mind blown as I dispel a few of these common chiropractic myths!

I am a chiropractor. I am passionate about what I do, but did not start out with the burning desire to educate people about preventative health.

Here’s what I’ve learned about chiropractic on my long journey to making it my life:

Chiropractic Is Only Good for Car Accidents, Backaches, and Headaches. False! Chiropractors address health by looking at the nervous system and adjusting, or using a specific applied force, on misaligned bones in the spine. This works because every muscle, ligament, tendon, bone position, and function of your body gives your brain information about what’s going on in the world around you via your nerves and spinal cord. Your brain then responds to the situation based on the information it receives. When you have a misalignment (aka subluxation) in your spine, it decreases the amount of information that gets to your brain. This can manifest as backaches and headaches, but it can also manifest as any other health issues since your brain can’t communicate with your immune system or any other area of your body properly. When your nervous system works at its best, it can affect EVERY area of your health in amazing ways!

All Chiropractors Are the Same. Also false. All chiropractors receive the same basic training about the body, how it works, and how the spine/nervous system affects the function of every cell in the body. After that, chiropractors can learn different techniques for adjusting, analyzing, and treating patients. Different chiropractors use different amounts of force, instruments, therapies, and have different personalities. Choosing a chiropractor is like choosing a friend. You have to find one you “click” with and feel you can trust to guide you to health. If you find one you don’t like, keep searching until you find the right fit for you and your family.

The “Cracking” Sound Freaks Me Out Because It Sounds Painful. I can’t say this is true or false, because it depends on each individual person. What I can tell you is that the sound you hear is gas being released from the joints as they’re moved during an adjustment. Think about pressure being released when you open a champagne bottle- it can be pretty loud but it doesn’t mean the bottle broke.

Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop! We’re not talking about Pringles here. Many people have the fear of starting chiropractic care because they’ve heard that they’ll have to keep going for the rest of their lives. That’s true or false, depending on how you look at it. In the beginning of care, a chiropractor has to help you work through many years of abuse and subluxations. It can take a little while in the beginning to retrain your body and reset your “normal.” Once you get back to a good place with your health, you have two options. You can stop chiropractic care and just come in when you feel pain, are unhealthy, or start having other symptoms. It’s your body and your choice. The other option is to continue going to a chiropractor every now and again for a regular check-up. A properly functioning nervous system can help prevent disease and breakdown, yet people worry about having to go to a chiropractor for the rest of their life. However, if you have to pay for a prescribed pain reliever or other medication for the rest of your life to simply attempt to control symptoms, it’s considered normal. I know I’m biased, but it seems more logical  to prevent sickness and disease in the first place with maintenance chiropractic care. Again, it’s personal preference…

Our office specializes in chiropractic care for pregnant women, babies, children, and families. We focus on health from many different aspects and believe that once educated, every person can make their own empowered decisions about their health. If you have questions or to schedule your appointment, please call our office at 864-406-3300 or check out our website at

In health & happiness,
~Dr. Sarah Davis Chiropractor

LifeLogic Health Center

1622 E. North Street, Suite 10

Greenville, SC 29607