Still going strong (2022):
When 2-year old Liam Witt was diagnosed with pediatric cancer in 2007, his mother Gretchen was shocked to learn that pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for kids in the United States. And she was equally shocked to learn just how little money was being spent to fund new, more effective treatments for pediatric cancer - treatments that hold the promise of better survival rates.
Though her son was in the fight of his life, Gretchen knew then that, as his mother, she must do everything in her power to change these sobering statistics not only for her son but all children. She was inspired to hold a larger-than-life cookie sale with the goal of baking and selling 96,000 cookies. They worked tirelessly for 18 consecutive days and nights to bake and sell every cookie while raising more than $400,000 for a new treatment.
In the fall of 2008, together with her husband Larry, Gretchen launched a national non-profit – Cookies for Kids’ Cancer – dedicated to raising money for new treatments for all types of pediatric cancer through the concept of local bake sales. And since Macaroni Kid is all about local communities, we’ve been a proud supporter of Cookies for Kids Cancer since we first heard about the organization.
More than four years and over four million dollars in funds raised later, the Witts remain committed to inspiring others to get involved in the fight against pediatric cancer through Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. Though Liam tragically lost his battle with cancer in January2011, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer remains focused on funding new therapies for pediatric cancer. Last year, the organization granted over $1.7 million toward research into new and improved therapies for pediatric cancer. With your help, that number will keep growing – giving families with children battling cancer today the hope they deserve.
While Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is a year-round organization, May holds special meaning because Liam’s birthday is May 13th. Last year, supporters rallied in May to celebrate what would have been Liam’s 7th birthday and broke records for numbers of bake sales in one month and amount raised. This year, with your help, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer will break that record, too.
Here’s how to get involved. . .and why right now is the perfect time!
Register ( to host a Cookies for Kids’ Cancer event this May. It’s simple to register and fun to host an event, knowing the money you raise will go directly toward new, improved therapies for pediatric cancer.
Send Cookies ( Give a gift to someone and know that 100% of the profits go to pediatric cancer research.
Donate ( It’s easy and you can select which type of treatment you’d like to fund